Reality and I had a difference of opinion, we're currently undergoing trial separation.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sorry for you.

I had an update. I promise. It was a little whiny, so maybe you're better off without it, but seeing as I'm ill and under stress it's hard to be positive.

Unfortunately my decrepid, decaying, piece of shit mac died on me just as I was about to push "publish".

So maybe next week.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


So I have this new job, and I'm working so hard that I have waaay less 'me' time during office hours than ever before, I get to work almost an hour earlier than I did at VI and rarely leave at our official finish time of 16h30, in fact I'm at the office now, gone 7pm, working on a hectic deadline, my computer is in the process of having some sort of hardware failure on me and despite all this I am so much happier than I was a the last place.

I'm sorry I haven't updated - I started last week, but my degenerative Mac crashed on me and ate it.

I'm off to dinner with Sed in a few minutes and thought I'd type this up quick while I avoid doing the next step in the group structure I'm building.

Hopefully I'll be more eloquent and informative soon, but don't hold your breath - I'm having to much fun having actualy people to talk to again.