Reality and I had a difference of opinion, we're currently undergoing trial separation.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well, I thought in the spirit of it all I'd wish all my friends, family and anyone else who happens to read this a very merry Christmas, whatever your faith or denomination may be. I wish all of you a time of joy, love and fellowship.

That aside, I'm suffering the Cape Town heat and trying to decided whether the torrential rain in Johannesburg would make a nice alternative? As an ex-Capetonian I do have a high tolerance for pissing rain, and in fact, I actually rather enjoy it much of the time, provided it doesn't last toooo long (a week) and isn't tooo cold (below 19 degrees C) and preferably when it's over a holiday so I can appreciate it from my bed.

None-the-less the days have been lovely here and I can't wait till the three day family rigmarole is over so I can actually show my boyfriend something of the place!

Despite this, he has been well amused by the vehicle's driven by the younger more testosterone filled members of the Cape Flats population. Whooo wee. It's bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Loth =)


4:32 pm, December 27, 2006


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