Reality and I had a difference of opinion, we're currently undergoing trial separation.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Gone and done it now

I resigned today.

The boss took it very well. (Suspiciously well?)

He was a bit horrified that my contract allows me to give two weeks notice, though. We haven't said anything further really, he's been out the office and I'm too busy to care.

I've been loaded with more work that it's humanly possible for me to finish within the allotted time, unless I pull two succesive all-nighters.

I have no intention of doing this however. Much of the work was waiting for my from when I took leave to go to Cape Town this weekend, and it's been a point of resentment since day one that any leave I take essentially amounts to 'time in lieue'. Even were I staying in this job I think I'd be throwing my toys out the cot about now, and since I'm not I'm just going to cheerfully work hard, work late, but far from kill myself. Heck, it's not like they can fire me!

I was lovely to see Cape Town again, and even better to share it with Tony.

The weather sort of came to the party, but it sat in the corner and begrudged most of it till the end. On a wet Friday morning (well, afternoon really, but what's a holiday if you can't sleep in?) we set sail for Franschoek, with a less than brief stop at Fairview where we samples and bought some fantastic wines.

Saturday was Groot Constantia, with a brief 'hello' to the morning Dragonfire crowd and then off to shop for the dinner I was cooking. Too much time on my recently over-coddled feet, but the dinner was good enough to make up for it. Even my introverted boyfriend enjoyed himself enough to add to the conversation!

Sunday would have been lovely, had I been able to say 'no' to freelance work and if Tony hadn't succumbed to some Capetonian cold-virus. We took a drive over Silvermine, had lunch at the Brassbell and had a quick tea with my granny. I'd hoped to make it to the Dragonfire after-party, but I didn't finish work in time.

Finally on Monday I rummaged through my old stuff for more plunder to take back to Jozi with me, and then we paid a free visit to the Aquarium, courtesy of Mum, who's currently the chairperson of their volunteer committee and has recently achieved 10 years of service to them!

The flight back was well, only unusual in that I had company. Much as we enjoyed our time in Cape Town both of us were well glad to be back in dry and elevated Johannesburg. I noticed the faint smell of woodsmoke in the air for the first time and I was deeply please to know that I was going to spend the night in my own bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woot! And thanks for the really cool dinner evening. - H*

10:24 am, August 23, 2006

Blogger Synkronos said...

Ye, dinner was sweeeet =) And it was reeeally nice seeing you again, and actually chatting for a bit =D I miss you sometimes =P

6:13 pm, August 23, 2006


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