Reality and I had a difference of opinion, we're currently undergoing trial separation.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Owh, owh, bugger, owh!

It's clearly not my week (or should that be weeks?)

They were to cheap here to hire any freelancers while I was off for Tony and Katy's wedding and ICON so I came back to more than a week's work of work patiently waiting for me.

Due to the time off I've also lost the innurement that I'd built up to all the things that upset, anger or irritate me about my job situation, so I'm back to square one with hating everything here.

On top of that they seem to be taking me even more for granted - if that's possible. It's also be nice to be working for someone who, after six months in their employ, can actually remember your name more than 50% of the time. As Liz, less than cheerfully, points out this is a fair sign of how much I, as an individual, matter to them.

It doesn't help either that I've been for an interview with one of their competitors and I dearly want that job, but haven't heard anything yet which is driving me crazy. Tony's advice is to care less and act like I haven't got it - which isn't bad advice, I'm just not having much luck following it (although with every day that passes without me hearing anything, I'm becoming more convinced that I may well be out of the running. To my deep disappointment.)

Further joys of being the sole designer include the fact that if I take sick leave, no-one picks up the pieces and makes my deadlines for me, which really really sucks.

Especially now that I've managed to dislocate two joints of my left big-toe at the same time leaving me practically crippled for the moment. I can't drive, I can hardly walk, I've been in constant pain since yesterday evening and even the best painkillers hardly dent it. It was so bad that I only managed to snatch sleep last night when the exhaustion overcame the agony.

Despite that, here I am at work.

Jeepers. I'm so happy. I feel so valued. I love everyone.


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