Assorted update
Ugh. It's a Friday afternoon, and I've been left with a little work, but nothing that I'm in the mood for. Requires too much conceptual thinking, and I'm not feeling particularly focused or creative.
I've noticed that Gmail keeps crashing Safari... Might have to get Mozilla, but I have no idea if Gmail even supports Mozilla on the Mac. Will research.
Also finally getting my arse in gear to find accommodation for Tony and Katie's wedding. All fine and well being please as punch to be going, but if I can't find a bed for the nights there's not a lot of point.
Would also rather like to visit Cape Town later next month, but two holidays in two months is a little expensive on the pocket and the leave quota - plus my company will have a hissy fit if I leave them hanging too much. It's not as if I've got a co-worker to shoulder things onto, so without me either output grinds to a halt or they need to get a freelancer in for a week.
Life has been quiet, and work hasn't. Between overtime, hobbies and the odd bit of freelance work I've had little free time, so have been spending most the weekends doing something quiet with Tony. I'm usually too flat exhausted on Fridays to even think of going out.
We have managed to devour the entire of Firefly over the space of the long weekend as I wanted to watch them before watching Serenity, and Tony was happy to see them again. I can see, to some extent, what the fuss is about, but a large portion I believe is due to the series having become a martyr. Even so, deeply cool, and deeply sad we didn't get to see Josh weave another of the complex plot tapestries he proved himself so capable of with Buffy.
Gmail should be fine in either Mozilla or Firefox for the Mac since the Mac and PC builds of each use the same code base (unlike IE 5 for the Mac and PC which shared nothing except their name).
At least some of hype around Firefly certainly does stem from its cancellation, but I still think it's the best live-action TV series I've seen. :) (And not I'm generally a Whedon fan - I chose not to watch Buffy after sitting through six or seven episodes).
6:46 pm, May 05, 2006
Oops. I should have signed that.
- H*
6:47 pm, May 05, 2006
I've said it before elsewhere, and I'll say it again.
Firefly is good overall (though not always). Certainly better than almost all the other drek sci-fi on tv like star trek (don't even get my started on how Stargate SG1 makes it to 200 episodes - buffy didn't make 200 episodes!).'s still apart of the "old" school of thought (and quality) when compared to the new Battlestar Galactica. Don't take my word for it, watch it.
5:54 pm, May 08, 2006
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