Reality and I had a difference of opinion, we're currently undergoing trial separation.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Filthy, little, capitalist, colour facists!

This morning is the first time I've really had an opportunity to use the Internet Archives, and I have to say I'm sold!

What a brilliant plan! Lordy knows how they afford all that sortage space but bless their little geek hearts.

A few months back I found a brilliant website that lists every Pantone colour along with breakdowns of these colours into print (CMYK process) and web (RGB hexcode) versions. It also gives far more accurate breakdowns than can be achieved by dropping the Pantone colour into Freehand or Photoshop's conversions (which also don't contain the latest 300 or 400 hundred colours in their libraries) and it's been an invaluable resource for me, especially with my current agency having buckets of trouble with colour matching in the past.

Now of course, Pantone makes money off their system and the multitude of very expensive books and guides they sell to all those who deal with colours in print. There's one for each stock of paper, pastels, metalics, muted tones and additional guides that match Pantone to process or RGB and display the comparisons - all of which they try to tell you are indispensible and must be changed every year since wear and the aging of the inks and papers will alter the appearance of the colours!

So of course, sometime in the last couple of weeks someone at Pantone must have come across this site two, got in a little frothy about it and demanded it removed before they take legal action. So with a quiet apology in German most of which I find incomprehensible the site has removed the chart leaving me bereft and cursing my foolish nature to trust that such a resourse would always be there. Why, oh why didn't I save the page earlier.

Dun du la dah! Enter internet archives to the rescue and - there it is! My lovely colour page in all it's technicolour glory, ready for me to save for posterity! Happy happy joy joy.

Oh, and praise be to Andy for telling me about the internet archives! Wheew.

Meanwhile in other news I'm trying to figure out how much I of my life I feel like sacrificing to be able to potentially change my career. Looks like a BComm with Unisa will take me 6 years at a managable pace of study and seeing as I've only been out of Tech for 5 I don't think I can stomach that prospect at this moment. On the other hand they offer a 6 month course in Public Relations which might add a little more interest to my CV and perhaps allow me to sidle that little bit closer to going into client relations... Without sacrificing every ounce of spare time I posess for rest of my fading 20's and early 30's. However, I have one week to make up my mind in or hold my peace for the next 6 months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny how many people consider career changes in their late twenties; one is far too inexperienced at 18 to make good decisions I think. I say go for it - it can only help you. What particular straw made you want to change?

8:13 pm, June 25, 2006

Blogger Bast said...

There is also the insane 1-year BComm conversion course at UCT. But I think the entrance requirements might be quite strict. Something to think about if you want absolutely no life for only one year.

11:34 am, June 26, 2006

Blogger Bast said...

11:43 am, June 26, 2006


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